Nestled in an oasis of beautiful Hertfordshire countryside between London and the M25, Blackbirds Farm finds itself where urban and rural life meet...
For many years Blackbirds has been at the heart of diverse farming businesses, from the bustling mixed farming operation in the past with poultry, pigs, farm shop and award winning Jersey cattle producing outstanding milk and yogurts. Through to our modern working farm today, focussed on embracing new technologies and passionate about preserving our soils with renewable fertilisers, cover/catch crops and min-till cultivation, we always try to keep ahead of the changes in modern agriculture to maintain a sustainable farming enterprise and provide a quality crop for milling flour, animal feed, brewing or plant based oils.
From the past...
Pick-your-own potatoes,
School Field, Blackbirds Farm
Jersey cattle heading up
Blackbirds Lane to graze.
Church Farm Shop,
Aldenham Village